Headshot Photographer for the Newbie Actor

Headshot Photographer for the Newbie Actor

So you're about to get your first headshots

This easy-to-follow guide will tell you everything you need to know.

Did you move all the way to LA to be an actor?

You saved up your money and moved to Los Angeles and you want to be an actor. The very first step to being an actor in Los Angeles is getting your acting headshots taken by a professional headshot photographer.

Ok how do I even get started?

The first thing you need to do is select a headshot photographer.  Start doing your research using Google,  Actors Access,  LA Casting, and ask your acting friends if they know a headshot photographer that they recommend. However, select the photographer that’s the best fit for you.

Am I Ready?

After you've selected your headshot photographer now it's time to get yourself ready to take your headshots.  The first thing you need to do is get your outfits together (also known as looks). This is an important step. The clothes you wear follow a specific formula for acting headshots. I've written the complete post about what to wear for acting headshots here.

Should you get a makeup artist?

Getting a makeup artist for your first acting headshot is always a good idea. I know you’re a starving actor and you're trying to save money. If you think you can do it yourself go for it.  The main thing is you want your makeup to look nice, but natural, don't overdo it with heavy eye makeup or fake eyelashes.  Also don't want to wear red lipstick. Natural colors work much better.

Now it's time to prepare yourself.

You've picked a photographer, you got your looks together, decided on a makeup artist, now it's time to prepare for the actual day of your headshots.

You need to be completely prepared the day of your headshots.  Have your hair cut if it needs to be.  Be sure to have all your clothes cleaned and pressed.  Get a good night's sleep the night before your headshots.  that means no late-night partying! Also try not to be too nervous and worried about getting everything ready the night before your headshots.  this is a common mistake. People stay up late getting all the clothes ready and all that stuff and then their mind is racing when they try to go to sleep. They can't sleep and wake up really tired.  I recommend having everything together before 6 p.m. the day before your headshots.  Then spend the rest of the night relaxing and watch some Netflix. Or whatever.

Now when you show up to your headshot appointment be sure to tell the photographer this is your first time doing headshots.  I always like to tell newbies what to expect during their headshot session.  I’ll give them little tips and tricks so I can get the most out of their expressions.  If you have any questions be sure to ask the photographer. I’m always more than happy to help. If you feel a little nervous say so. Then I can make that extra effort to make t you feel more at ease and comfortable. Now we’re going to get some great photos.

Is that it? …Nope

After the shoot I need to select the headshots that you’ll be send out for castings. You'll have lots of pictures so you need to go through them with the eye of selecting headshots not of selecting a photo that you like.   Be sure to ask your acting friends to give their input on your choices for your selected headshots.

Yeah! It’s time to book your First Acting Gig.

After you have your photos selected you need to post your headshots and your profile on LA Casting and Actors Access.  This is a great place to get started with your acting career.  You can submit yourself for acting jobs and submit yourself to agents.


How to prepare for my Acting Headshot Session


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