How to prepare for my Acting Headshot Session

How to Prepare for my Acting Headshots

Is your hair ready?

Is your hair ready?  Do you need to get a haircut?  Do you need to color your roots?  Are your bangs too long? All of these are things you don't think about until you're in the process of actually getting your headshots taken.  Then you'll be like, “Oh I wish I would have got my bangs trimmed, or I wish I would have colored my roots, or I wish I would have got a haircut.”  Don't be that person. Get your hair looking the way it should look. In addition, if you need different hairstyles, for your different characters, you should plan those out.

Put together your outfits

Of course getting the right outfits together is a big part of getting your headshots. I wrote a full blog post on this be sure to check it out Here.

Is it weird to practice my expressions?

OK, now that you’ve done your research, and got your characters together, it's time to practice your expressions in the mirror.  I know this may feel awkward, but it's a good idea to do it. I'd start with practicing expression that best fit the characters you discovered in your initial research.  Maybe do a little Google search on these characters to see common expressions that they would use. Now of course for headshots the expressions need to fit in that headshot box. As a photographer I'll help guide you in that direction.

My trick to Getting a good night's sleep.

Of course you need a good night sleep before your headshot. I'll share with you my trick to get a good night sleep before an event like headshots.

What most people do the day before their headshots is get everything ready the evening before their headshot session.  This usually leads late into the evening and part of the night. Then what happens while they're trying to sleep their mind is racing, thinking about all the things they were getting ready for their headshot session.  This, of course, leads to not getting a good night's sleep.

What I suggest you do is start getting things ready your clothes and such a few days before.  Plan on having everything completely Ready by 4pm the day before your headshots. now spend the rest of the evening just relaxing at home. Maybe watch a movie, read a book, or whatever it takes to get you to fall asleep for a good night's rest.

I hope this little post helped you prepare for your next headshot session. Have a great shoot!


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